Below is a recap of many resolutions passed through the years. CDA Resolutions can only by passed by a majority vote of delegates to a Catholic Daughter Biennial Convention
WHEREAS, Since many countries have seen violence to the young and innocent at a concert in England, to Muslims, to government officials in Virginia, I and other senseless shootings in our cities; and
WHEREAS, As humans we are afraid of what we don't know or understand; and
WHEREAS, This is the 100th Anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima, and
WHEREAS, Living our Baptismal commitment of Christ and Love is the reason we act, now; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That Catholic Daughters educate themselves regarding other religions; and be it further
RESOLVED, That we as Catholic Daughters open our hearts with the help of our Blessed Mother, and being 100th Anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima, we ask for understanding and guidance so we may educate and enlighten ourselves to other religions we do not understand; and be it further
RESOLVED, That we strive to live as the people of God; and be it further
RESOLVED, That we as Catholic Daughters open our hearts with the help of our Blessed Mother to pray for understanding and an end to senseless violence.
Submitted by: National Resolution Committee – to be updated
July 2017 National Board Meeting Belleville
Peggy Guckin, Chair
Rose Holschlag
Essie Walker
WHEREAS, threats have been made on the life of Pope Francis, and
WHEREAS, Christians are being persecuted for their faith, and
WHEREAS, there are religious conflicts throughout the world; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Catholic Daughters of the Americas will pray the following
One Hail Mary for the health and safety of Pope Francis,
One Hail Mary for the protection of all Christians, and
One Hail Mary for the resolution of world conflicts.
Submitted by: National Board
Adopted at the National Board Meeting in El Paso, TX, March 6, 2015
WHEREAS, Pope Francis said that the Church's position on the death
penalty is "a courageous reaffirmation of the conviction that
humanity can successfully confront criminality" without taking
human life; and
WHEREAS, he recommended that "capital sentences be commuted to a
lesser punishment that allows for time and incentives for the
reform of the offender; and
WHEREAS, we, the Catholic Daughters of the Americas respect life in our
Catholic tradition; and
WHEREAS, we oppose execution and support the victims of crimes and
their families; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that we use the resources of the U.S. Conference of Catholic
Bishops and the Catholic Mobilizing Network to End the Use
of the Death Penalty; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Catholic Daughters of the Americas network with
others who oppose the death penalty - to educate, organize, and
change laws in opposition to the death penalty as a solution to
Adopted at the 55th Biennial National Convention
Billings, Montana
July 2014
Submitted by: National 2014 Resolutions Committee
WHEREAS, Pope Francis, newly elected bishop of Rome, has stated that he
"must open his arms to protect all of God's people and embrace
with tender affection the whole of humanity, especially the
poorest, the weakest, the least important;" and
WHEREAS, Pope Francis, has reiterated the "fundamental" importance of
women in the Roman Catholic Church saying women have
always had a special mission in the Church as "first witnesses"
of Christ's resurrection; and
WHEREAS, Pope Francis, emphasizes the journey of faith women have in
the Roman Catholic Church by passing their faith on to their
children and grandchildren through love; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that members of the Catholic Daughters of the Americas
continue to open doors to the Lord, by witnessing for Him
through loving testimony, prayer, and good deeds.
Adopted at the 55th Biennial National Convention
Billings, Montana
July 2014
Submitted by: Arkansas State Court
WHEREAS, Pope Francis, has been elected as leader of the Catholic
Church; and
WHEREAS, he will strive to lead us to compassion and prosperity, to rebuild our Cath
Church; and
WHEREAS, successor to St. Peter, our First Pope, Pope Francis will stand as a figure of unity
for all Catholics; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Catholic Daughters of the Americas include as part of our monthly
meeting prayers:
that Pope Francis will continue to be guided by God the Holy
Spirit, and with the simplicity of St. Francis and his great love for
the Blessed Mother, that he will be guided to carry on the "new
evangelization" of Saint John Paul II and Benedict XVI.
Adopted at the 55th Biennial National Convention
Billings, Montana
July 2014
Submitted by: New Hampshire State Court